take payment when ordering (even seat side) or allow orders when checking in.

The customer experience would be much better if you could figure out how to minimize the number of disruptions a customer experiences - 1.

We sat in the back row slightly right of center, and it seemed as if the speakers above our head were the only ones utilized - there was not that rich surround sound experience. It also seemed as if the sound wasn't balanced across the theater. It's all very disruptive to watching the movie (multiply this if the people on either side of you order food/drinks). Then, when time to pay (during the movie), you have to verify the bill in a dimly lit atmosphere which causes everyone to turn on a cell phone light to see the bill. We interacted with 6 different people just to order, receive, and purchase a bottle of water, a large soda, and a large popcorn - all of which came out at different times. The food/drink service, however, feels chaotic. The theater is decorated beautifully with large reclining seats and clean bathrooms! First time to the SMG - and we were very impressed upon entry.